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Monday, October 27, 2014

Life without Facebook - Pondering

Well, today starts my journey of life without Facebook.  This decision was made final yesterday when I tried to delete my FB account.  What a hassle! They really don't want to let you go.
I tried to just delete my account, but I ended up only deactivating it, because every time I tried to find out how to delete it by clicking on the "contact us to learn how" link, they made me sign back in (reactivating the stinking thing -- yes, I am more than a little annoyed). Once I signed back in, I found myself neatly on my newsfeed again. THAT was helpful. I am going to try to find more information about how to finally delete my account later. I gave up yesterday. It was a real eye-opener though -- why don't they want to let me go? Marketing information, baby. It's all about the money.

But here it is Monday, and, while I am not changing my mind about my decision, I am finding that I AM jonesing a little.  Thus, the first blog post in a verrrrryy long time.


But here is what I have learned already today. I:
1.  spent more time talking with my kids this morning.
2.  spent more time talking with my husband this morning.
3. was able to prepare for my classes faster than usual.
4. am sometimes jonesing for something to read -- something quick and light.
5. have read the news already this morning.
6. have time to post this blog.