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Monday, April 12, 2010

NaPoWriMo Day #12 In Which Silliness Ensues

My prompt for today was a fun one, and my lack of sleep and my preparations last night for class today have seriously influenced this one. I am not sure it is quite fulfilling the prompt which said:

Begin by writing a few nonsense sentences, like “The raindrops tap out a cry for help” or “The dandelions are saying all at once, ‘You are overwhelmed.’” The formula is easy: come up with a message and assign it to something unlikely. Remember, of course, that inanimate objects can speak and that signs and symbols may be nonverbal.

But this is where it led. My apologies to Shakespeare. After analyzing the porter's scene in Act 2 last night, I am not sure if the Bard would be proud or would chastise me fully.

Bad Housekeeper's Soliloquy

Is this a broom I see before me?
The handle leaning lopsidedly against the wall? I will ignore you.
I want thee not, and yet I see thee still.
Are you not, shameful vision, capable
Of guilt as to sight? Or are you but
A broom of the mind, a false creation
Proceeding from the clutter oppressed conscience?
I see you there, red and neglected
As the dust pan that lies beside you.
You show me the way I should be going,
And such an instrument I should use.
But my psychologist says “should” is a dirty word.
My eyes are made the guilt production for the other senses,
Or else unworthy of the rest. I see you there,
And on your bristles and handle bits of dust bunnies,
Which were not there before. There’s no such thing.
It is the dusty business under my kitchen table which informs
This to my eyes. Now over the one half-house
Productivity seems dead, and wicked dreams abuse
My caffeine-free sleep. Good Housekeeping abhors
Pale Lori’s offerings, and withered intentions,
Alarmed by good purposes,
Whose shriek the lacking, and thus like a charger,
Riding towards the oppressor,
Moves like a neglected child. You are sure and firm-set
But it moves me not. You’ll not see me grasp your handle
Nor lift your pan, until my procrastination dissipates
Or my present horror at your leanings increases
Or the foodles, Cheerios and raisins scattered multiply
Beyond number. While I threat, you are inactive.
Guilt to the heat of deeds does little but make me turn away.


rallentanda said...

This is great. Loved it

Unknown said...

To dust, to sweep. To sweep perchance to gleam.

Anonymous said...


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