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Thursday, April 8, 2010

NaPoWriMo Day #8

Today's prompt from ReadWritePoem was hard. Here's what we were given:

Today, think of your current love, your current obsession or the one who got away. Now come up with five or more unusual metaphors for the object of your affection/obsession: wool scarf, cough drop, puddle, half-empty bottle of red wine… Choose your favorite of the bunch and write a poem celebrating (or trashing) your love.

It's not that I don't have love to write about, it's just that I find love poems often too sticky, cliche and, well, boring. I am sorry if I offend anyone.

Here is the result that I plugged out today. I am happy with some of the ideas, but the poem itself is probably one that I will leave in the composting for a long while. Still, I am curious to hear what you have to say about it.

Everyday Love

Among the plethora of cds
On the shelves surrounded
By action figures and Star Trek
In the corner with your discarded socks
Beside the red marking pens on the counter
where you left them after work

Around the belt resting on the dresser
In the camera case you take on every outing
Under the pillow that holds your head
In the precise angle for optimum movie watching
Over the barbeque that you tend
Above your iPod

Wherever you are, whatever you touch
I am there.

In my binder full of notes for classes
On the desk piled high with paper and texts
In the Eeyore cup you gave for a cheer up present
Beside my snug black chair where I work
Around the flowers I try to grow
Under the bed where I leave my shoes
Among the books that clutter our living room

Inside my purse, alongside my umbrella
On every day of my calendar
In every word I inhale
In every breathe I let go
In my heart

Wherever I am, whatever I touch
You are there.


Unknown said...

A picture of life for most of us, Lori. Love is in the paraphenalia that surrounds us.

P.S. WV 'inatin' how appropriate!

rallentanda said...

Your close relationship comes through in the poem
without descending into the Mills and Boon department:)

Red Shoe Artist said...

Strangely this sounds very intimate to me, like a peek into your private life. I really like it

Dan said...

"Under the pillow that holds your head
In the precise angle for optimum movie watching"

Great enjambment there. Good work.

Wayne Pitchko said...

nice one.....intimacy can be so hard to find..but when you do....well its good....thanks for sharing

K. Kayin W. said...

I love the specificity of all these everyday objects and that love isn't some fantasized notion but is part of our familiarity and is grown out of being "lived in."

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