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Saturday, April 24, 2010

NaPoWriMo Day #24 - Faith: thereby hangs a tale

For today's prompt we were to write about a phrase, cliche or idiom that took us somewhere. "Thereby hangs a tale" from Shakespeare caught my fancy. That might have something to do with the fact that I have Macbeth on the brain because I am just wrapping up teaching the play.

I have an apology to make though too. I have really appreciated all those of you who have commented in the last couple of days, and I want you to know that I am not ignoring. I plan to respond and to read your poems too, but I have been completely wiped the last couple days. "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day..."

Here's my offering for the day:

Faith: thereby hangs a tale

It’s been hanging on
a hook by the door
for quite some time
there for others to see
shiny, new
unused, except to show

It never moved
a mountain, or a mustard seed
It never moved

And yet, I have looked
at it, stroked the fine folds
longed to put it on but
I was never quite ready
always some excuse
“It will get soiled.” “I don’t need
it right now.” “It’s too

But wherever I have chosen
to lay my head, take
myself, it has followed
omnipresent, quiet
shining on the hook by the door

Till one day, cold
and alone, I dared
to try it on, expecting
something too small,
too old fashioned
expecting to be feel
guilt and shame for having
left it so long

As I grasped the softness
felt the fine material
slipped it about my shoulders
in a last attempt for worth,
for something more

All I felt was


Dan said...

Gotta break that one in, or it'll never feel comfortable.

Unknown said...

I think this poem of gentle realisation is excellent, Lori.

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